Monday, January 31, 2011

Richmond Lobbying/Field Trip!

Hello! Here is the info and schedule for TACT's lobbying trip this week. I hope many of you will be able to come, and if you have any questions, please get in touch with one of the officers. :)
-Sarah H. (TACT Media Director)

The TACT cabinet has determined that this Friday, February 4, works best for a Lobbying/Field trip to Richmond and the Virginia State Capitol.

The objectives of the trip:
-Visit our State Delegates and Senators
-Lobby (during our visit with Representatives) on behalf of The Parental Rights Amendment, pro-life legislation, and other issues of interest/importance (suggest some!)
-Step inside a committee meeting to see how it works
-Tour the Capitol building
-Sit in the House chamber balcony and watch the House of Delegates in session

It can be tricky to visit the Capitol on Fridays, since things usually wrap up early in apprehension of the weekend. :-) So it is in our best interest to arrive as early as possible - ideally around 8 a.m. - if we want to catch any Delegates and Senators.
This means leaving the area around 6-6:30 a.m., which is also tricky. The T. family is willing to have people spend the night if this helps with pick-up in the morning, and of course we are planning on carpooling. We can talk more about these details at our meeting on Tuesday.

We will probably get back in the area around 4 p.m., based on previous trips.

Whole families are welcome, if you want to make a collective home school experience.
Invite interested friends to come along! Gen J membership is not necessary - this is a great way to try something new, get a taste of what Gen J is all about. Even those who are not interested in politics usually have a great time on these trips!

Thoughts? Questions? Just shoot an email. :-)

-Grace T. (TACT Secretary)

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